JPCR - Your coach for innovation

Innovation programs combining « research » and « creativity » involving internal business teams

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Various types of programs according to needs:

  • Reconnect with the consumers/shoppers : Consumer Day, Shopper Day (opportunity to immerse internal teams into consumers/shoppers reality, to inspire Brand Plans
  • Creative Workshops: with consumers, with internal client teams
  • Brand Innovation Generator®  (BIG®) : JPCR’s process and registered trademark, which aims at developing an inspiring and differentiating brand vision and identity to guide innovation and to unleash new business opportunities. It is a very complete, creative and stimulating process, involving teams. Modular approach.
  • Interactive Trend Innovation Shaker® (ItIs®) : JPCR’s process and registered trademark, which aims at leveraging “trends” to generate relevant innovations. It is a very complete, creative and stimulating process, involving teams. Modular approach.